McGrath Buick GMC Cadillac


McGrath Buick GMC Cadillac

1600 51st St NE
Cedar Rapids, IA 52402

Total Square Footage

25,630 sq ft


Brost Architects and Planners, Ltd.

Project Overview

This project involved the construction of a new full-service dealership on an existing parking lot on 51st Street NE. Following updated GMC design standards, we built a showroom, a vehicle delivery/service drive, a service area, bulk oil storage area, customer and employee lounges and a parts mezzanine. GMC’s design standards require the exterior of new dealerships to be white. We worked with the precast manufacturer to achieve a white concrete precast. This is one of the first times this has been done.

Other unique features of this project include a snow melt system, in which a boiler feeds glycol to pipes underground to heat the concrete at the service drive entrance and exit. The service area also houses special CO2 detectors which control an exhaust and make up air system to ensure air quality for the service staff.